Windows XP Pro SP3 for KID | ISO | 670MB Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 Not for upgrade only for clean install on formated HDisk or Partition Serial number not needed to enter, and Genuine validation is integrated
KidzWin CD Version ( Win-XP-Pro-SP3) KidsCD.ISO, one CD-ROM 700mb Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 Integrated Tweaks; I couldn't resist to integrate beautiful Magical World HyperTheme (with 6 sub-styles changed through regular Display Properties tabs); and over 50 Wallpapers for kids! To see what Tweaks are implemented open $OEM$ folder on CD Rom root and edit (with notepad) files: MemoryTweaks.reg, myservices.reg, and Tweaks.reg!
Be patient on 13 minutes (T13) of Win install because of Net Framework setup
[Removed Components from Windows] Internet Games Drivers: Printers, Scanners Multimedia: old Win Images and Backgrounds, Luna desktop theme, Music Samples, Speech Support Network: MSN Explorer, Windows Messenger Operating System Options: old .NET Framework, Blaster/Nachi removal tool, File System Encryption, Manual Install and Upgrade, Search Assistant, Tour, User account pictures Services: Fax Service, Indexing Service Directories: DOCS, SUPPORT, VALUEADD
[Integrated Driver Packs] Chipset 8.03 CPU 8.04 MassStorage 8.05 LAN 8.05.3 WLAN 8.06 Broadband 70416 Modem 80327 USB 80224 Sound (eventually) and Graphics drivers should be installed from own sources or from Internet
[Integrated Applications and Hotfixes] Firefox 3.0.1 K-Lite Codec Pack Full 4.1.0 Java Runtime Environment 6 Update 7 .Net Framework 1.1 & SP .Net Framework 2.0 & SP Visual C++2005 Visual C++2008 Visual J# 1.1 and 2.0 MSXML 4.0 SP2 Notepad ++ b101_mcblm_si_addon Kels_Runtimes_addon_v4.3 7-Zip 4.57 WinRar 3.8 AC3 Filter 1.51a GSpot 2.70a Unlocker Reapers_Adobe_Shockwave_11.0.0.429 Universal_Audio_Architecture_High_Definition_Audio _AddOn_1.0 xable_HashTab-x32-v2.1.0_addon xable_MicrosoftUpdateEngine_addon GenuineAdvantage_AddOn WGAV_addon OUE-OGA_addon ColorAeroCursors (changable in Control Panel/Mouse/Pointers) Right Click Image Converter Video MP3 Extractor OnePiece_Windows_XP_Post-SP3_UpdatePack_v1.4.3_EN KB873374 KB887606 KB889320-v2 KB898461 KB909520-v1.000 KB915800-v4 KB917275 KB932521 KB932716-v2 KB940458 KB940648 KB941833 MSXML 4.0 SP2 KB942288-v3 Windows Installer 4.5 KB943326 KB943729 KB944043-v3 KB944505 KB944898 KB945060 KB945436 KB946554 KB946666 KB947460-v2 KB948101-v3 KB948277 KB948720 KB948877-v2 KB949033 KB949127-v2 KB949764 KB949860 KB949900 KB950162 KB950312 KB950565 KB950616 KB950760 KB950762 KB950982 KB951072, KB951126 KB951312 KB951347 KB951376-v2 KB951618 KB951624 KB951698 KB951709 KB951748 KB951822-v2 KB951978 KB952020-v2 KB952079-v2 KB952117-v2 KB952206 KB952287 KB952825 KB952909-v2 KB953028 KB953609 KB953760 KB953761 KB954232 Internet Explorer 7 IE7-KB928090 KB935560-IE7 KB938127-IE7 KB950759-IE7 Windows Media Player 11 KB928788 KB929399 KB929773 KB932390 KB933547 KB935551 KB935552 KB939209 KB939683 KB941569 KB944882 KB945381 KB946665 KB950478 DirectX (DirectX for Managed Code) WinXP Post-SP3 Update Microsoft & Windows Update v7.1.6001.65 (KB890830) malware v2.0 Microsoft European Union Expansion Font Update 1.2 KB873374 - Microsoft GDI+ Detection Tool Registry Entry Microsoft Silverlight v1.0.30401.0 Adobe Flash Player v9.0 r124 QFECHECK v6.2.29.0